From early in your time at Orygen your case manager will start talking to you about discharge from the service.
'Discharge' means leaving the service after your treatment.
The length of time that you come to Orygen will vary depending on a range of factors including your diagnosis, treatment needs and your recovery progress.
You and your case manager will have lots of discussions about planning for discharge and together you will explore options for how to manage your wellness and what support comes next when the time comes to leave Orygen.
You can also talk to the Peer Support Workers about discharge, as they’ve all been through it and can share some wisdom and tips about what was helpful for them. Talk to your Case manager about booking a 1-on-1 appointment to speak to a Peer Support worker to learn about what's involved in planning and preparing for leaving Orygen.
Have you seen the "What's Next?" Guide to Discharge?
The "What's Nex?t" Guide to Discharge from OYH is a guide written by young people and staff that is full of information about what happens when the time comes for you to be discharged from the service, and what else is out there for you to connect with when you finish at OYH.
Inside the guide you’ll find topics such as the process of planning for your discharge, what sort of things you may like to talk about with your case manager, as well as stories from past clients of OYH who have shared their own experiences of moving on from the service.
Our awesome Platform Team and staff from OYH worked together to plan what kind of information would be most helpful and useful for clients who are nearing the end of their time with the service.
Not only did the Platform Team come up with the idea of putting all of this useful information about discharge into a handy booklet, but they also helped to write the content and design it!
You can get your copy of the “What’s Next?” – Guide to Discharge from OYH by downloading the PDF below or picking up a copy of the guide from your Case Manager or the waiting room.