Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) is an integrated, time-limited therapy that was developed over the past 25 years by Dr Anthony Ryle. It is a collaborative model in which the therapist and client work towards a shared formulation and is used extensively across the UK. Originally developed for use in the National Health Service for use with high prevalence disorders such as depression and anxiety, it has more recently found a particular niche with complex problems such as borderline personality disorder, eating disorders and even in psychosis.
Since 2000, the HYPE program at Orygen Specialist Program has been successfully using CAT as part of its early intervention program for young people with borderline personality disorder, and this work has been supported by a randomised controlled trail (Chanen et al, 2008). The HYPE program has been running a range of training courses focused on CAT. These range from short introductory sessions, to longer 12-month intensive Skills Training programs.
To register for any of these workshops or for more information, please follow this link to the Orygen website.